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Friday, January 18, 2008

Test on Muscular and Nervous Tissue

01. Consider the following statements:
       I. Bundles of smooth muscle fibres are enclosed in sheaths of loose connective tissue.
       II. Each nerve fibre is enveloped by a delicate vascular loose connective tissue sheath called endoneurium.
       III. Narrow spaces between adjacent fibres of cardiac muscle are filled with loose  connective tissue.
       Which of the above are true?
       1. Only I and II 2. Only II and III 3. Only I and III 4. All are correct

01. Consider the following statements:
       I. Bundles of smooth muscle fibres are enclosed in sheaths of loose connective tissue.
       II. Each nerve fibre is enveloped by a delicate vascular loose connective tissue sheath called endoneurium.
       III. Narrow spaces between adjacent fibres of cardiac muscle are filled with loose  connective tissue.
       Which of the above are true?
       1. Only I and II 2. Only II and III 3. Only I and III 4. All are correct
02. Arrange the following from inner to outer in a striated muscle:
       A. Perimysium B. Endomysium C. Epimysium D. Muscle fibre E Fasciculus F. Muscle.
       1. DBEAFC 2. DEBAFC 3. DBEFAC 4. DBEFCA
03. The impulse transmission is rapid in cardiac muscle due to
       1. reticular arrangement of fibres and intervertebral discs
       2. intercalated discs and cylindrical myofibres
       3. indistinct sarcolemma and less marked striations
       4. intercalated discs and reticular arrangement
04. Consider the following statements about cardiac muscle:
       I . Contractions and relaxations are initiated and maintained by pacemaker in cardiac        muscles.
       II. Cardiac muscles are functionally syncytial.
       III. Cardiac muscle fibres are multicellular.
       IV. Blood supply is abundant in cardiac muscle.
       Which of the above are true?
       1. Only I and III 2. Only I 3. Only I and IV 4. All are correct
05. Uninucleate, unicellular muscle fibres occur in
       1. dermis of skin 2. the base of great blood vessels
       3. pharynx 4. the beginning of oesophagus
06. Blood - brain barrier is formed by
       1. Microglial cells 2. Ependymal cells 3. Astrocyte 4. Oligodendrocytes
07. Funiculi in spinal cord contain
       1. Cholinergic neurons and fibrous astrocytes
       2. Non-medullated neurons and fibrous astrocytes
       3. Medullated neurons and protoplasmic astrocytes
       4. Adrenergic neurons and protoplasmic astrocytes
08. Arrange the following in order at node of Ranvier
       1. Axolemma 2. Neurilemma 3. Endoneurium 4. Myelin sheath
       1. 1  2  3  4 2. 1  2  3 3. 1  3  4  2 4. 1  2  4  3
09. Consider the following statements:
       I. Replacing bone is formed by the endochondral ossification of pre-existing cartilages.
       II. Membranous bones invest underlying cartilage bones.
       III. Seamoid bone is formed by the ossification of tendon.
       IV. Os penis occurs in the penis of horse.
       Which of the above are true?
       1. Only I and III 2. Only I, II and III 3. Only I 4. All are correct
10. Major portion of inorganic substances in bone matrix occur in the form of
       1. Chondroitin-4-sulphate 2. Collagen 3. Calcium carbonate 4. Calcium phosphate
11. One of the following, muscle is in a prolonged partial contracted state
       1. Intrinsic muscle of tongue 2. Circular muscle of stomach
       3. Flexor muscle of leg 4. Cardiac muscles of pulmonary aorta
12. Consider the following statements about cardiac muscle:
       I. Intercalated discs are dark and irregular
       II. Intercalated discs occur at regular intervals.
       III. Dark and light bands are regular.
       Which of the above are true?
       1. Only I and II 2. II and III 3. Only I and III 4. All are correct
13. Which among the following is applicable to a nerve?
       I. A nerve contains axons but lacks dendrites and cytons.
       II. Sympathetic nerve contains nonmedullated axons.
       III. A nerve fasciculus is a bundle of nerve fibres.
       IV. A nerve contains only one fasciculus.
       1. All except IV 2. All except I and IV 3. All except II and IV 4. All are correct
14. Assertion (A) : Cardiac muscles are functionally syncytial muscles
       Reason (R) : Each muscle fibre in its development is formed by the fusion of many cells
       1. Both 'A' and 'R' are true and 'R' is the correct explanation of 'A'
       2. Both 'A' and 'R' are true but 'R' is not correct explanation of 'A'
       3. 'A' is true but 'R' is false 4. 'A' is false but 'R' is true
15. Consider the following statements:
       I. Marrow cavity is lined by a vascular connective tissue called endosteum.
       II. Outer surface of bone has a tough vascular connective tissue sheath called periosteum.
       III. Sheaths around individual muscle fibres fasciculus are collectively called endomysium.
       IV. Outer surface of muscle is covered by a sheath of fibrous connective tissue called        epimysium.
       Which of the above are true?
       1. All except I 2. All except III 3. All except II 4. All are correct
16. Consider the following statements:
       I. Epimysium and perimysium contain blood vessels and nerves of appropriate diameters.
       II. Endomysium contains blood capillaries and nerves.
       III. Sheath of loose connective tissue around a bundle smooth muscle fibres contains blood        vessels and nerve fibres.
       IV. Perichondrium contains blood vessels and nerve fibres.
       V. Reticular fibres provide support to blood capillaries and nerves.
       How many of the above statements are true?
       1. 2 2. 3 3.4 4. 5
17. Nerves of invertebrates conduct impulses slowly because, their nerve cells donot possess
       1. Telodendrites 2. Nissl's granules 3. Myelin sheath 4. Ganglia
18. Muscle fibres with less marked striations possess
       1. less blood supply 2. intervertebral discs
       3. limited regeneration 4. indistinct sarcolemma
19. Iris muscles are
       1. ectodermal striated muscles 2. mesodermal striated muscles
       3. ectodermal smooth muscles 4. mesodermal smooth muscles
20. Ions that occur in sarcoplasm and play an important role in muscle contraction are
       1. sodium and potassium 2. chloride and bicarbonate
       3. phosphate and sulphur 4. calcium and magnesium
21. RBCs of camels and llamas are
       1. oval and nucleated 2. oval and enucleate
       3. circular and nucleated 4. circular and enucleate

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